Our Story

  • 1984The beginning

    Right after graduating and obtaining our licence to practice, on 21st March 1984 we opened a small surgery in San Marco di Ravenna, just outside the city but in what was once a particularly isolated rural area. The beauty of the area, the colours of the landscape, the sunrises and sunsets, convinced us to practice our profession and live in this location nestled in the countryside, in close contact with nature.
  • 1990The growth

    After a few years the surgery doubled in size, as different colleagues joined us to satisfy a rapid growth in our professional offering at the facility.
  • 1994The clinic

    In 1994 we opened what has since become our Veterinary Clinic! 400 square metres of indoor facilities, fitted with state-of-the-art professional equipment: Dog hotel, Cat Suite, Grooming, dog training fields, all set in 3 verdant hectares, with ample parking.
  • 2021Today

    2021 saw our commitment to important projects for the future. Technological development will help us to complete them, for a concrete benefit for the health of all our animals, our true friends.